Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More please?

As I was tucking in BigStar the other night after another round of The Germs, she looked at me so pathetically that all I could do was cuddle her in close and whisper in her ear "I love you the whole world" (a favourite saying of ours which she invented one day). She smiled so bravely and asked,
"Yes sweetheart?"
"Can you make me some more hearts for my bedroom when I get better? They make me feel like the germs go away."

And that moment was one of the sweetest I have had during the whole time of Vomit (two)Week(s). I had only finished them for her a few weeks ago, using the fantastic pattern shared by Julia Crossland and she was SOOOO excited when they were installed across the top of her wardrobe. She insisted I started making a set for LittleStar straight away, although her wardrobe is considerably bigger and a few other projects have gotten in the way (including Vomit Week) and so they are not finished yet. Soon ...

I love BigStar's bedroom. It makes me smile every time I walk in, and even many times when I just walk past as I do several hundred times a day (our small house means everything is in 'glimpsing distance' without having to take too many steps). It is happy and cosy and colourful and inspiring. I know she loves it just as much as I do and LittleStar has even started to feel the pull and can be found sitting quietly on the little couch, with many books arranged around her. This is a favourite place to be on Mondays and Tuesdays when BigStar is at pre-school.

I asked BigStar one day if I could move in and she looked at me in wide-eyed shock.

"But Mum! You wouldn't fit! And Dad would be lonely. You can't come, Really."

My Mum made the patchwork cushion on the red armchair, along with a matching bassinet quilt and cot quilt as a Welcome To The World gift when BigStar was born. I've been meaning to take a good shot of the quilt and I'll have to get around to it (in other words, get off my Lazy Bum!). I just admire Mum's skill in this soooo much. She made up the design and cut, stitched and quilted every piece by hand. Funnily, she thinks all of my crochet work is fantastic because she can't do it, but her needlework, it's just a thing of beauty every time she finishes something else.

My sister made the name canvas out of left-over scraps of fabric when Mum was finished. We are, in our own ways, a bit of a crafty kind of family. It's actually really nice to have someone to have creative conversations with who is often thinking along the same lines.

I'll have to show you LittleStar's sometime soon too.

My sister also made the hair-clip board with some bigger fabric left-overs. The toile (which you can't see too clearly) is just beautiful and Mum spent a great deal of time to find exactly the right design that she was happy with.

It's actually up a little too high for BigStar to help herself but, trust me, that is a Good Thing!!

Right now, I have several current projects on the go. I have finished some and will post about them soon, but now, it's bed time. I'll just show you the inspiration for the one which has been on my lap this evening ...

See those chairs? How do they look to you?

I hear you saying Empty. White. Hard. Cute, but Missing Something.

And you are Absolutely Right.

They are actually Star sized chairs and, whilst very well loved by the Stars, I know they would love them a whole lot more with something nice and soft to rest their little bots on. And, with winter coming on, a little something to warm their little leggs.

Yes, definitely. Can't wait till they're done.

Chat soon,


Sara said...

Beautiful heart garland Stella. And a sweet little story to go along with them. How special and sweet. Happy to see you at Tangled Happy. Thanks for your nice comment. Happy to have you back in blogland. Hope to see you often. :)

Tessa White said...

I love your heart garland and can't wait to see what you do with those chairs!!

Country Rose said...

Lovely blog... I love love love the heart garland that you made for your daughters room. Just lovely..!

I can't seem to find the tab that I would click on to 'follow' you... I may just be not looking hard enough though..!

Ashley xx